Title: The Mossad inside stories: Israel's secret intelligence service
Author: Dennis Eisenberg+Uri Dan+Eli Landau
Nature: Political/Thriller
Probably no country in the world has followed "Offence is the best defence" as closely as Israel. Many times it is justified because of it's hostile neighbours. But to be offensive one has to have in depth knowledge of enemy's moves. It is where MOSSAD comes into picture. The book narrates story of the rise of MOSSAD from a hotch-potch days of WW-II to the second most dreaded intelligence agency in the world after CIA. The contribution of Isser Harel in carving out MOSSAD from different agencies and making it responsible for Jewish interests. The successful plot of capturing Adolf Eichmann and bringing him to gallows. The story of Eli Cohen who almost became Defence minsiter of Syria or when the whole of the agency was just obssesed for finding a simple teenager boy make it a exciting reading. The other plots are as lucidly and beautifully described. A must read for someone who admires Israel or is interested in Middle-East.


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