Title: Pride & Prejudice Author: Jane Austen Category : Novel (Love story) One of the most famous love story in English literature after “Gone with the Wind” and has been made into motion picture both in Hollywood and Bollywood. The story is about a typical English middle class family of 19th century of five young daughters, two of whom are at the right age for betrothal. Jane and Elizabeth are the two daughters and Elizabeth Bennett is the lead character of the novel. The story revolves around the love of Mr Darcy for Elizabeth, his initial reluctance, just giving innuendos of his interest in her. Elizabeth’s strong and independent character of facing anybody with equal calm and coolness. Darcy’s proposal to her and instant refusal. Finally LOVE blossom in their heart and they come to terms. One can find many love stories & movies being influenced by this novel. A strong hero & heroine, both initially refusing and then accepting their feelings.
Showing posts from August, 2006