Title:Majhi Janmathep(My Life Imprisonment) Author:V.D.Savarkar Category:Autobiography(Marathi) What do you say about a personality who is worshipped by some and deeply hated by others or at least pretent to hate.I am one of theworshippers of this great son of Bharat.I will discuss one of the masterpeices of Marathi literature. The story begins with how was he convicted in Jackson murder case and sent to India to be sentenced to 2 life imprisonments in Andaman.Andaman was infamous as jaw of death,anybody going there for few years would like departing from this world,so leave aside of someone sentenced for48 years.But still he persisted,gave courage to his wife by saying that we as humans are born to serve high ideals. His stint of 12 years at 'Kalapani' was an odyssey in itself. The torture heunderwent being a revolutionary will send shivers down anybody's spine.But still being incarcerated,he composed poems,novels which were published later.The social movements he initiate...
Showing posts from November, 2006