Author: Vishwas Patil
Nature: History (Marathi)
One of the best biographies Marathi literature has ever seen. This IAS officer opens many new areas of NETAJI's life by his extensive research of archives from Japan,Burma & India. The book describes the interplay between different characters in NETAJI's life mainly Gandhiji & Nehru.And how Chitranjan Das was his mentor in political life, his love life with Emile, finally his readiness to take herculaean efforts just to see his beloved motherland free. The only drawback is book is very long, but epics are long and still they are worth reading is'nt it?

Other book: RANANGAN (by same author)


hi abhijeet..
ur site seems to be good source of books what to read next time.
and thanks for the fundas, they r really importatnt and actually too less..
thanks again

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