Title: India's Rebirth
Author: Rishi Aurobindo

I can't categorize this book and basically it is not written by Sri Aurobindo.Rishi Aurobindo was an author,poet,revolutionary and finally a Yogi.It is a collection of his thoughts on different facets of India from education to politics to the perennial Hindu-Muslim question.However the underlying thread is every man and so a nation is born with a mission.

It is our duty to realise the mission for ourselves and the country.So what is India's mission?Rishi Aurobindo answers in his own style that it is to realise the divinity in man.He says that India might be in dire straits today but it still carries in it's bosom something which the world needs. It is on the solid foundation of Hinduism he dissects ahimsa and satyagraha.Even criticising Gandhiji as being a European in an Indian body and his principles being closer to Christianity.He also lashes out at parliamentary form of democracy being a copy from european system and urges us to allow diverse systems to flourish as in ancient India.

A must read as we all want India to achieve it's rightful place under the sun.

Other books:Savitri,Upanishads and many more


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